Monday, August 24, 2009

Summer catch up

So, I haven't posted on our blog in forever, not sure really why, but I just haven't. So, as school is starting, I decided to post a few (and I mean a few, there could be so many more!) pictures of what we did this summer. It didn't seem this busy, but looking back, we did alot of fun things!

Summer started out with a quick trip to California to visit Craig's parents on their mission in Fresno. Our first night we stayed with my dearest friend Lorinda and her family and had a great time catching up with them. (Miss you Ren). Then the next day, we were off to Fresno, but not before we made a few stops.....

Obviously, this is us at the Golden Gate Bridge. (this is one of the rare pictures you will see me in because I HATE being in pictures!)

Pier 39 in San Francisco

The Beach - the water was FREEZING, but the kids and Craig didn't seem to care at all. They would have lived there if it were possible.

Rachel didn't like the water much, but was more than happy to stay up by me digging in the sand.

We thought that by keeping Meg in a small pool we could keep her out of the sand. Not so lucky...

Craig's mom Coy. They get home from their mission in Nov. They left when I was pregant with Meg, so they had never seen her.

Craig's dad, Dennis, with the kids in Yosmite. It was a great place to go. I loved it and we could have easily spent more than one day there.

The giant Redwoods were amazing to see.

Loved the water falls too. Soo beautiful there.

My girls, Rachel, Meg and Abby in grandma and grandpa's apartment. We stayed there for two nights. While it was a little cramped, it was really fun.

The next activity we did was go camping. I love camping, but it had been awhile since we had gone. The kids have so much fun and I love being up in the mountains.

While the girls and Craig sleep on the ground, I, on the other hand, slept with Meg on a giant queen size air matress. That's how I camp!

We alway enjoy going to the 4th of July parade and carnival in Centerville and this year was no different. We had a great time, eventhough dad was gone flying.

Abby and Rachel with their cousin, Nicole.

Next was Abby's 8th birthday. The kid had three parties. We had Abby's actual party in TX with my mom and dad, then had a family party and then a friend party. How spoiled is she!

Abby then got to show a goat at the Davis County Fair. She came in 3rd and she had a great time.

The girls got much braver than their mother by holding a spider at the fair.

We ended the summer with a quick trip to the zoo. This was Meg's first time and she couldn't get enough. She was enthralled by it all, but was sleep before we even left the parking lot.

So I guess we had a fun summer. I'm kind of sorry to see it end, but many things are happening soon, so maybe I will be a little bit better at keeping up with my blog.


Anonymous said...

What great photos so that means ya'll had a great time! I am a Texan too. Born in Odessa, grew up in the Rio Grande Valley and went to school at Pan Am in Edinburg. Let's follow each other's blogs. When the bluebonnets popped into my computer screen, I knew it was Texas!

The Lindsey's said...

I love the pics.... I'm glad you FINALLY updated your blog...haha

Kim said...

It was great to see all the photos and to catch up on what you have been up to. I guess I should update mine, too....

AllisonK said...

I can't wait to see more from you guys. Even though you live just around the corner.

Unknown said...

Great pictures, why am I just finding out about your blog? You're girls are getting so big.